PEPFAR Impact Tracker

On January 27th, 2025, a 90-day suspension of foreign aid was ordered, affecting PEPFAR which supports 20 million people living with HIV across 55 countries. The suspension impacts 222,000 people receiving daily HIV medication, 224,000 HIV tests performed daily, and essential services for vulnerable populations. The suspension affects 190,000 healthcare workers involved in global HIV response efforts. This page estimates impact in Infant and long-term premature adult deaths caused by this suspension.

Note: While a waiver has been issued, there is no clarity yet on what is included as part of that waiver, resulting in a continued pause of most programmes

Impact of PEPFAR Funding Suspension*

Estimated Long-term premature deaths associated with this funding gap
between January 27th, 2025 at 12:00 PM EST and present

Estimated premature deaths


Incrementing every 21 seconds

Estimated infant deaths


Incrementing every 17 minutes

How many lives can be saved if we act now to resume funding before the end of the 90 days?

Preventable premature deaths


Decrementing every 21 seconds

Preventable infants deaths


Decrementing every 17 minutes

* Calculated based on the estimated long-term morbidity and mortality associated with pausing ART for 90 days for 15 million individuals on PEPFAR-supported ART

Read about the methodology here

Why is PEPFAR funding valuable for Americans?

In light of the executive order to "Reevaluate and Realign Foreign Aid" (source), it's crucial to understand the continued importance of PEPFAR funding and its positive impact on both human lives and America's well-being.

Financial return on PEPFAR funding


Incrementing $1,759 every second

PEPFAR funding is not just an act of global altruism; it's a strategic investment in America's health security and economic interests. Here's why:

The financial return shown above represents the estimated economic value generated by PEPFAR's investments, including healthcare savings, increased productivity, and economic growth in partner countries that benefit the U.S. economy.

Read about the methodology here

What is the health impact of PEPFAR?

Lives saved to date


Incrementing every 32 seconds

Babies born HIV-free to date


Incrementing every 105 seconds

Source: PEPFAR Latest Global Results (December 2024)

Estimated impact of PEPFAR efforts to date, given source data and 2025 starting values of 26,000,000 and 7,000,000

Since 2003, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has been steadfast in supporting lifesaving treatment for people living with HIV, saving 26 million lives and enabling 7.8 million babies to be born HIV-free.1 PEPFAR is working with partners across 55 countries to sustain the gains made and accelerate progress to end HIV/AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. The program is also working to ensure the HIV response in 2030 and beyond is led and delivered by governments or local entities with community engagement and government accountability.

🌐 Across 55 Countries:

PEPFAR is providing lifesaving HIV treatment for 20.6 million people, including 566,000 children, as of Sept. 30, 2024.Viral load testing coverage and suppression among people on treatment continues to increase for children and remains high among adults — 95% of adults and 89% of children are currently virally suppressed.

PEPFAR is changing the trajectory of the HIV pandemic. Available UNAIDS estimates show there were 52% fewer new HIV infections in 2023 than in 2010 across PEPFAR-supported countries, compared with a 39% reduction globally. During the same time frame, AIDS-related deaths decreased by 59% in PEPFAR-supported countries, compared with 51% globally.
PEPFAR accounts for more than 90% of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) initiations for HIV prevention globally. In FY 2024, the program provided HIV testing services to 83.8 million people,12 million more than in FY 2023. PEPFAR has also provided 35.1 million voluntary medical male circumcisions for HIV prevention since 2007, including 2.7 million in FY 2024.

PEPFAR reached 2.3 million adolescent girls and young women with comprehensive HIV prevention services in FY 2024. This year marks the 10th anniversary of PEPFAR's flagship DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDSfree, Mentored and Safe) program, which has reduced new HIV infections through interventions including access to PrEP, support for secondary school, and violence prevention. PrEP initiations among adolescent girls and young women increased by 39% from FY 2023 to FY 2024.